Every day, skin is overwhelmed by blue light emissions through electronic screens, television, mobile phones, and other electronic sources. Blue light is a combination of electrical and artificially emitted light that is believed to harm the skin.

What is blue light?
Blue light has almost the same strength as some UV rays and is typically visible light in the range of 380-500 nm. This short wavelength produces high amounts of energy that are seen with the human eye. The powerful blue end of the spectrum is also known as high energy visual light (HEV).
In the past, ultraviolet rays were recognized as the aggressors to skin cell tissue. When skin cells are under attack from the sun’s UV rays, the body reacts with increased melatonin to absorb the harsh UV light and protect against further damage. As a result, the combination of damaged skin cells and increased melatonin creates uneven skin tone pigmentation. Artificial UV exposure sources include the sun, tanning booths, fluorescent and incandescent light sources, and black lights.
As our technology evolves, more and more blue light is emitted, damaging skin tissues on a cellular level. According to the World Economic Forum, we spend an average of 11 hours a day in front of a screen. This may be at work, at home, or out in the community. As a result, uneven skin tones and premature aging may occur, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is magnified.

Similar to applying sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays, using a hydrating and rich antioxidant cream or serum in a daily skin routine helps protect against blue light emissions.
For more information about our daily use of screen time go to weforum.org